GHG Emission intensity
At current emission rates averaging six and a half tonnes per person per year, before 2030 temperatures may have increased by 1.5 °C over pre-industrial levels. Therefore iGM has initiated a significant number of improvement projects to improve the corporate as well as product carbon footprint.
Reduction in Energy intensity
To achieve a lower GHG emission intensity, iGM will focus on reducing the global energy consumption related to our activities by implementing innovative solution for our chemical process and in our plants.
Renewable electricity
With the reduction of energy intensity program, iGM reduces the global consumption. But production will always require energy. To keep our processes sustainable, iGM Resins invests in renewable energy assets.
Reduction in water intensity
iGM Resins recognizes the worrying increase of the global water demand and we aim for solutions that help reduce the issue at hand. Therefore, iGM Resins implemented different solutions such as process improvements, smart water consumption for our sites, offices and warehouses.
Release to the environment
As a leading global provider of raw materials solutions, the impact of our production matters. iGM Resins tracks all emissions release to the environment to reduce any impact on the nature. iGM Resins continues to uphold high quality standards to make a change that resonates with our customers’ sustainability goals.
Responsible sourcing
Creating and maintaining a responsible and resilient supply chain has become a key success factor for the chemical industry in this ever-changing world. iGM is committed to creating sustainable value with our global network of suppliers through a mutually beneficial relationship based on strong ethical business standards, trust and shared commitments to meet or exceed our customers’ requirements.
Reducing intake of raw materials
iGM has process optimization teams in all sites focusing on improving yield and reducing waste of our production processes. Yield improvements lead to a lower intake of raw materials and with that to a lower carbon footprint. Reducing waste (e.g. by re-using it in our processes) leads to a lower carbon footprint as less waste needs to be disposed and incinerated.
Please refer to our corporate policy webpage, where you can access the following policies :
- CSR (Corporate Sustainability Report).
- Code of ethics and conduct for suppliers.
- Code of ethics and conduct for employees.
- Corporate social responsibility.
- Global labor and human Rights practices.
- Global SHE (Safety, Health, and Environment) policy.